Philanthropic Projects

 In 2000 Dr Lim, together with her husband, founded the Indiapore Trust, with the aim of giving disadvantaged children educational opportunities, especially in information technology.

In 2010 Dr Lim and her husband established the Dr Susan Lim Medical Scholarship to help eligible students achieve an education in medicine at Trinity College, the University of Melbourne in Australia. Since then, the Dr Susan Lim Endowment for Education and Research Ltd has been established, providing for medical scholarships at the University of Newcastle in Australia, and the ISSCR Dr Susan Lim Outstanding Young Investigator award to recognize young scientific talent at the International Society for Stem Cell Research.

Dr Susan Lim, in collaboration with the Singapore Stem Cell Society, has provided travel bursaries to deserving students to attend the annual meetings.

Recipients of Susan Lim's ISSCR Award

Recipients of Susan Lim's ISSCR Award
